Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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Text File
1,542 lines
An exploratory file. Investigates the possible relationship
between election and falling away. Defines election as being
marked out for heaven by virtue of one's union with the
church. The author views election the same way he views
someone being accepted into a school that prepares students
to become officers. Those accepted into the school are all
equally "chosen" to be officers, they are all equally elect.
However, not all of the "elect" will stay and graduate, some
will drop out. Seventeen passages are referred to for sup
port. Keywords: Election,Arminianism,Calvinism,Eternal
Security,,Baptists,Falling Away,Free will
"...make your....election sure....if you do this you
will never fall. In this way entry into the eternal
kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ will be richly
provided for you." 2 Pet 1:10
The title, The Fall of the Elect, challenges the very
definition of election.
If there is a single clear fact on the doctrine of
election, it is that the Bible does not say enough
about it. There is plenty of room for investigation and
experimentation therefore.
In this file a view of election will be put forth that
is different than most. It is experimental in nature.
Therefore, you should feel free to question it as you see
A Preview of How Election is Defined In This File
There are approximately 80 passages in the New testament
alone that suggest a person who is marked for heaven can
fall away permanently. This file asks what relationship this
could have to the doctrine of election. Seventeen key pas-
sages will be discussed which suggest to this writer that
election can be lost by a withdrawal from faith.
Of course, the natural question is how could a person be
elected before the foundation of the world and then lose it.
Did not God know what He was doing when He elected them back
then? In this file, it is the body of Christ, the church,
those in Christ corporately, which God chose before the
foundation of the world, to stand holy and blameless before
Him at the last day (Eph 1:4). We as individuals are all like
branches that have been grafted into that body, we are but
branches grafted onto a predestined tree by means of our
faith. Our election is derived from our union with the body
of Christ, the tree of which we are the branches. As we were
grafted on by faith, so also can we become broken off, if we